Sunday, April 22, 2007

Saurons Dark Tower - or Bell Souths Head Office?

Just what did Peter Jackson have against the Nashville based fixed line telephony provider when he chose a design for the Tower in his film trilogy....?

Saurons Dark Tower - or Bell Souths Head Office?

Just what did Peter Jackson have against the Nashvill based fixed line telephony provider when he chose a design for the Tower in his film trilogy....?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The baseball team of the US town on Chattanooga is nicknamed (called in fact) The Chattanooga Lookouts.

Do you think they realised that there maybe, just possibly, perhaps, in theoroy, may be a slightly better name for a team from Chattanoga before, or after they printed all the official stationary and team shirts...?

A contender for the worlds largest "DOH!" I believe....

Choo Choo.......