The idea of a "National Costume" is an odd one that appears to be evaporating rapidly in many Asian, Arabic, African and South American countries - and its disappearing faster than you can see in many parts of Eastern Europe also. In Western Europe its long gone - totally disappeared without trace. French National dress? I think not. Swedish Traditional clothing? Naaah. A Belgian Outfitters ? Absolut-a-mundo Non.
Except in Germany and Austria. Where even today not only can you see numerous people swanning around Barvaria and Salzburg wearing traditional "Tracht", but it has apparently even recently "inspired a new fashion style" . In Austria the production of dirndl and lederhosen is a thriving commercial business, with Sportalm, Geiger or Tostmann being favourite brands.
So, everywhere else in the West seems to have ditched it. But in Germany & Austria its not only still alive, but actually worn in everyday life right now, and being regarded as a growing fashion to be followed...
Hmmmm... Makes you think, doesn't it?
1 comment:
We hold the lederhosen to be a sacred manifestation of our Aryan heritage.
I have put your name in The Book.
Soon our movement will rise again.
We see you interest in war. Why not join our movement? You have such a German sense of humour.
And Austrian parenting skills.
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