I get up, and nothin' gets me down
You got it tough?
I've seen the toughest souls around"
These are the opening lyrics of "Jump" - th eonly Van Halen song anyone actually remembers.
They are sung (with great feeling and intensity) by legendary poodle-hair rocker David Lee Roth.
Now, do you really think there is a great deal of credibility in him intoning the words ...
"You got it tough? I've seen the toughest souls around"
Lets face it, the toughest soul David Lee Roth has ever seen is probably a slightly camp LA hairdresser bitching about his previous (female) clientele.
I can imagine this is a man who has probably sent back KFC Chicken Burgers for being too tough for his tastes.
Seen the Toughest Souls around???
Kick a man while he's down! DLR recently got booted from his spot as Howard Stern's replacement here in the U.S. on "terrestrial radio" as they now call non-satellite. (As if there's an 'extra-terrestrial' radio option out there, right?) ANyways, word was that DLR was going BACK to his day-job as a New York City EMT I think. Yes, he works as an EMT, if you can believe THAT--so maybe he has in fact, seen some tough soles around.
He also "got more pussy than a toilet seat" and probably snorted the equivalent of Colombia's entire coke production for a month.
Respect, please.
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